Is the VIX saying “back to normal”?

Is the VIX saying “back to normal”?

Last week the most popular volatility index, the VIX, went briefly below 15% for the first time since the 20th February 2020, before the spike in volatility triggered by the fears of the pandemic. Broader equity market indices, like the S&P 500 and the EuroStoxx...
The «Since Inception» Performance Temptation

The «Since Inception» Performance Temptation

As I was writing another post on Private Equity (here), and one of the papers mentioned in the post (Phalippou, 2020) was highlighting the issues of “since-inception IRRs” of old Private Equity firms, thought it was worth touching on that issue separately. This post...
Redistribution of wealth … the other way round

Redistribution of wealth … the other way round

Each fund manager a compelling story and a compelling experience, set of skills and/or track-record to boast. Some years or decades ago, hedge funds were the most popular ones deserving the highest fees, in the last years they have been in decline in terms of...
Tax imperialism, fairness, or “historic” farce?

Tax imperialism, fairness, or “historic” farce?

Already at the end of March the U.S. was reported considering a global minimum tax rate. If your national debt is going out of control and are at risk of losing competitiveness, well, it makes sense egoistically to try and make other countries less competitive, less...
Cryptos, environment and big picture

Cryptos, environment and big picture

The China crackdown on cryptocurrencies, ranging from mining to trading, from payments to investment products, covering most of the value chain, was seen in the West (at least this is my impression) mostly as a speculative headline. Just to cite two sources see this...
IPO: no cows involved

IPO: no cows involved

Last week the oat milk company Oatly went public, pricing the IPO at a level yielding a market cap of ca 10bn dollars, then rising in the first few days quite a bit above that. In line with this post on IPOs and underlying company profitability, the IPO was very...