by SC | Mar 15, 2022
You could say that when more restaurants pop up in a city, the easier it is, at some point, to find reasonably priced restaurants that offer good food and service – good on an absolute basis. The amount of competition does not reduce the chances that a new...
by SC | Jul 13, 2021
Even if we never shot a penalty in a Euro-cup final, we can try to imagine how tough it must be psychologically. Jorginho against Spain may have given us the illusion that it is easy – this impression was then reversed in the final against England. Good for Italy how...
by SC | Jul 5, 2021
In the last months we have been strongly exposed through the media to the so-called “meme stocks” and to the, at least assumed, fight between retail traders and professional short sellers like hedge funds. Apart from the social and ethical aspects that have been...
by SC | Jun 28, 2021
Last week the most popular volatility index, the VIX, went briefly below 15% for the first time since the 20th February 2020, before the spike in volatility triggered by the fears of the pandemic. Broader equity market indices, like the S&P 500 and the EuroStoxx...
by SC | Jun 21, 2021
As I was writing another post on Private Equity (here), and one of the papers mentioned in the post (Phalippou, 2020) was highlighting the issues of “since-inception IRRs” of old Private Equity firms, thought it was worth touching on that issue separately. This post...